Sunday 20 October 2013

The Beginning : Route to a Better Life

The Beginning

Imagine that you are God, or some being with the power of creation. What would you do, what would you be thinking? Do you think  that as you are the one and only supreme being, alone with your thoughts, that you might become lonely, or bored? I love being around people, so I know that even with awesome powers, if there was no one to connect with, to chat with, to watch, I would be lonely - and probably bored too!

If I was alone and had the power to create, I would! Being the sum of all knowledge I would start with the end in mind. The end would be to create life in my likeness that I could watch over and see them enjoying themselves. So I would need a friendly, life giving planet, water, fish in the sea and animals on land to eat and to enjoy. I would need night and day.

Hang on though, what about these people? Man on his own couldn't reproduce and multiply so we need both men and women. What about their powers? I wouldn't want to give them the same powers as me, because then they would be off building universes of their own. Hmmm. But I still want them to be apart of me, but not controlled by me. I know, I will give them free will and I will hide their true power inside, so that it is not all all obvious unless their will is to seek it.

The Real Journey Begins

And so here you are. You have dared to look, dared to ask yourself a question, dared to think that there could be more. If you were in the Matrix I would offer you a choice of pills for you to choose either unenlightened or enlightened. Which one are you going to take? I have some good news, and some bad news. Sorry! The good news is that you don't have to take a pill, the bad news is that it has taken you so long to get to the stage where you are even contemplating enlightenment.

If you choose unenlightened you will stay as you were. Believing everything others told you were true, even some things your eyes said were true. But they are not. They appear to be, but they are simply figments of your imagination. It does a good job most of the time, so I am sure you will be okay.

If you choose enlightened, you choose to believe. Enlightenment is believing in something bigger and better and that you control how big and how much better it can be. WOW. Look, The Secret, the Law of Attraction and all the Guru's they are making it seem difficult to get what you want in life. Like there is just one more step, just $25 more and you will get it, you will see the light. Here I have a simple 3 step plan to enable you to materialize whatever you desire:

 1.     Use the power of thought to think deeply and emotionally about the object, touch it, see it, smell it, taste it.      
2.     Watch out for inspiration to strike. This could need you to take a small or big step, whatever your inspired to do, do it.      
3.     You have to take action, constantly update your actions based upon your inspirational thoughts and ideas.
It's easy. Ah but... Your ego is stepping in with "what ifs" and "how". This is where the Gurus step in and rightly try to guide you along the path. If you just believed and trusted in that higher power you wouldn't need another book, another program, another coach. You have everything you need within you. You have fantastic power. Trust in it, if you can't I will see you in the next post.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, I love you and thank you for popping by.

You can also find more answers on my websites:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the enlightment. I realise that what had been revealed to me about me being "The Core " is not just my crazy mind wondering around. It is the truth, that i posses all the power in me, with me.
