Saturday, 2 November 2013

The Secret They've Tried to Hide from You Since 325AD

The Unity and Power Behind the Secret

How many times have you been left utterly frustrated by the Law of Attraction? But, how on earth can that be, because the Law of Attraction is a Law, right? So if that is correct then why aren't you able to manifest what you desire?

Like me I am sure you have heard from the Guru's that it is because of a limiting belief, because there was something wrong with your affirmations, or your visualisations. I believe that perfecting your visualisations, your affirmations and clearing limiting beliefs can help, and I have discovered the real secret as to WHY.

So powerful is this secret that in 325 AD Constantine the Great called the First Council of Nicaea who edited and deleted this secret from the Bible! Today, we have found a lot of these deleted books and can understand why back in 325AD people wanted them removed.

Now the teachings align more accurately with those other ancient religions. From the mountains of Tibet to the native American Indians and everyone in between. The real power, the real secret is in how we ask for our desires to be manifested, or how we ask for our prayers to be answered. Make sure you copy this down, it is essential that you follow this path to realise your dreams.

The Secret 

The 7 Chakras
7 Chakras
1. Thought - Thought originates from the top 3 Chakras. Your Desire, What you want.
2. Emotion - Emotion comes from the bottom 3 Chakras. There are only 2 emotions, love or fear.
3. Feeling - Feeling comes from the remaining central Chakra, the Heart.

You will have heard that thoughts become things. Indeed, this is where it all begins, you have to know your hearts desire, you have to be CLEAR what it is that you want. This, though, is only the beginning of your manifesting.

The universe, the Divine Matrix whatever you want to call it doesn't understand your thoughts. You are not speaking its language! The next step in learning to speak the language is to add emotion to your thought. Love or fear, either will help get the job done, personally, I like to come from a place with Love, so this is the emotion I attach to my thoughts. This love or fear has to be strong, like the love a mother feels for a baby. Feel that emotion and attach it to your thought.

When you do this, when you attach the emotion of love with your thought, the power of the top three Chakras and the bottom three Chakras meet in the middle, in the awesomely powerful Heart Chakra. 

Now comes the most important step, the final translation, so that the Divine can at long last hear you. In your Heart Chakra you evoke a feeling, a feeling of compassion, a feeling with no judgement attached to it. There is no right and wrong no good or evil, there just is. You now have to feel, e totally enveloped by not what you want, but the answer to what you want. Feel how you would feel if your prayers had been answered. Feel how gracious you would be, how thankful that here and now is the very thing you've been wanting. This is visualising with feeling - "Feelualising"!

I want to impress upon you all how important this is. Feelualise that your dream is here is now, how happy would you be, how thankful and appreciative would you be, feel that while you are surrounded by your wish. The sight, the sounds, the smells, the touch sensations are all around you and you fell the gratitude in your heart.

You must feel or "feelualise" from your heart, not your head. If you touch your heart centre this will help you focus from there.

I have just two more things to say.

I would ask that in all your prays for better jobs, more money, bigger houses - that you pray for something for me, for all of us. Say a pray for peace and prosperity for all. Thank you.

Secondly. Please practice, practice and practice. I have taught you the way, so once you understand it, you can further help yourself and others by teaching those around you this lost secret too.

Thank you, I send my love to you all, please bookmark this blog as I hope to help enlighten as many people as I can, and give YOU the deeper understanding you need to "ask and ye shall receive".

Further research recommendation: Look up Gregg Bradens you tube videos and books on Amazon

My mission is to help individuals and businesses reach their full potential by being all that they can be. And I like to do this through personal and business interactions in the following websites:

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  1. These are the ancient secrets which originated in ancient India especially in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. I have learned and know more about this. There are more chakras in our body which are correlated with our endocrine system and other body organs, Some chakras bring more prosperity, happiness good health and all good thing in our life. Each chakra has got its own creative power which can be used to harness more godly power towards us. We can create miracles if we are able to manage our breathing [specific rhythm and number].

  2. Thank you for sharing. Much love.

  3. Indeed there is abundance. If i am in South Africa but can drink on same cup of the secret with ppl all over the world. Indeed the secret exists and the more u learn about it the clearer it becomes that life was created for one thing only, to live in harmony and abundance. Thank you very much for restoring what is meant to be. Much love to all.
