Sunday 3 November 2013

The Maharishi Effect, Personalised for YOU

Since the 1960's groups of enlightened people have come together to create an influence over their environment and the environment of others. The first instance and description of this effect was by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, hence its name.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

As time progressed and more experiments were carried out, it became possible to construct a formula which calculates how many people it would take to cause an effect, on a city, a county, a country or even the world. This formula was refined until, in 1976 researchers in the TM-Sidhi Program came up with what is known as the "Extended Maharishi Effect" which states that only the square root of 1% would produce the desired effect.

I am interested in helping individuals and businesses reach their full potential by being all that they can be. And so, as I delve deeper into how a formula like the extended Maharishi effect can help me with my mission I came up with this.

The Personalised and Extended Maharishi Effect

You see all formulas work no matter the size of the units placed in it. So on a broader scale let me show you how the formula works and then let's see how we can benefit from this on a personal scale.

How many people would it take to alter the environment of Florida, let's say to make it more peaceful?

  • The population of Florida is around 19,320,000
  • 1% of 19,320,000 is 193,200
  • The square root of 193,200 is 440
Amazing that should 440 people come together and wish for a peaceful Florida, the crime in the state would reduce!

What I was thinking was that many of us are wanting to manifest, health, wealth and happiness into our lives. So now the question is how long does it take to get these benefits?

  • There are 1440 minutes in every day
  • 1% of 1440 is, lets round it up 15
  • The square root of 15, lets round it up again 4
Isn't that interesting? I haven't had this use of the formula verified by anyone, however I felt inspired to "go this way", and it does have correlate to the original, doesn't it? Imagine now spending 4 minuted every day focusing on each of the wishes you want to manifest. Can you do that? Can you use the techniques in the previous blog to think, add emotion and then feel as if your desire were already here, for just 4 minutes!? I think this is truly amazing stuff.

Just one more use of the formula before I close this blog. Let's use the formula the other way around. How many people can you effect on your own. For instance you may want to increase the health of your family. How many people can you effect on your own?

  • You are on your own so the first number is 1
  • The square of 1 is 1
  • If 1 = 1%, 100% = 100
Just on your own you can effect 100 of your family and friends. WOW. If you have a partner to assist you, the number of people you can effect rises to 400. Consider yourselves community leaders, you and a friend can effect the well being of 400 people.

My advice is although you could use this personalised and extended Maharishi effect for your own personal gains. Remember that you reap what you sow and to give a pray for the well being of 100 others, will magnify your well being 100 fold. Thank you, I love you all.


My mission is to help individuals and businesses reach their full potential by being all that they can be. And I like to do this through personal interactions and the following websites:

For individuals find out more about love, ho'oponopono, hado and 1 to 1 sessions here:
Love Company
Love Ho'oponopono

For businesses find out more about attraction more targeted clients here:
Web Design and SEO UK
Web Design and SEO Florida

Saturday 2 November 2013

The Secret They've Tried to Hide from You Since 325AD

The Unity and Power Behind the Secret

How many times have you been left utterly frustrated by the Law of Attraction? But, how on earth can that be, because the Law of Attraction is a Law, right? So if that is correct then why aren't you able to manifest what you desire?

Like me I am sure you have heard from the Guru's that it is because of a limiting belief, because there was something wrong with your affirmations, or your visualisations. I believe that perfecting your visualisations, your affirmations and clearing limiting beliefs can help, and I have discovered the real secret as to WHY.

So powerful is this secret that in 325 AD Constantine the Great called the First Council of Nicaea who edited and deleted this secret from the Bible! Today, we have found a lot of these deleted books and can understand why back in 325AD people wanted them removed.

Now the teachings align more accurately with those other ancient religions. From the mountains of Tibet to the native American Indians and everyone in between. The real power, the real secret is in how we ask for our desires to be manifested, or how we ask for our prayers to be answered. Make sure you copy this down, it is essential that you follow this path to realise your dreams.

The Secret 

The 7 Chakras
7 Chakras
1. Thought - Thought originates from the top 3 Chakras. Your Desire, What you want.
2. Emotion - Emotion comes from the bottom 3 Chakras. There are only 2 emotions, love or fear.
3. Feeling - Feeling comes from the remaining central Chakra, the Heart.

You will have heard that thoughts become things. Indeed, this is where it all begins, you have to know your hearts desire, you have to be CLEAR what it is that you want. This, though, is only the beginning of your manifesting.

The universe, the Divine Matrix whatever you want to call it doesn't understand your thoughts. You are not speaking its language! The next step in learning to speak the language is to add emotion to your thought. Love or fear, either will help get the job done, personally, I like to come from a place with Love, so this is the emotion I attach to my thoughts. This love or fear has to be strong, like the love a mother feels for a baby. Feel that emotion and attach it to your thought.

When you do this, when you attach the emotion of love with your thought, the power of the top three Chakras and the bottom three Chakras meet in the middle, in the awesomely powerful Heart Chakra. 

Now comes the most important step, the final translation, so that the Divine can at long last hear you. In your Heart Chakra you evoke a feeling, a feeling of compassion, a feeling with no judgement attached to it. There is no right and wrong no good or evil, there just is. You now have to feel, e totally enveloped by not what you want, but the answer to what you want. Feel how you would feel if your prayers had been answered. Feel how gracious you would be, how thankful that here and now is the very thing you've been wanting. This is visualising with feeling - "Feelualising"!

I want to impress upon you all how important this is. Feelualise that your dream is here is now, how happy would you be, how thankful and appreciative would you be, feel that while you are surrounded by your wish. The sight, the sounds, the smells, the touch sensations are all around you and you fell the gratitude in your heart.

You must feel or "feelualise" from your heart, not your head. If you touch your heart centre this will help you focus from there.

I have just two more things to say.

I would ask that in all your prays for better jobs, more money, bigger houses - that you pray for something for me, for all of us. Say a pray for peace and prosperity for all. Thank you.

Secondly. Please practice, practice and practice. I have taught you the way, so once you understand it, you can further help yourself and others by teaching those around you this lost secret too.

Thank you, I send my love to you all, please bookmark this blog as I hope to help enlighten as many people as I can, and give YOU the deeper understanding you need to "ask and ye shall receive".

Further research recommendation: Look up Gregg Bradens you tube videos and books on Amazon

My mission is to help individuals and businesses reach their full potential by being all that they can be. And I like to do this through personal and business interactions in the following websites:

For individuals find out more about love, ho'oponopono and hado here:
Love Company,
Love Ho'oponopono

For businesses find out more about attraction more targeted clients here:
Web Design and SEO UK
Web Design and SEO Florida


Wednesday 30 October 2013

the Having Practice

Another Skill for Perfecting the Law of Attraction

You hopefully will already know how powerful a tool the subconscious is and how you need its co-operation to utilise the Law of Attraction. Imagination and visualisation are great tools for communicating with your subconscious and so we are going to utilise those in this "Having Practice."

The Having Practice

I want you to imagine right now what your life would be like if everything you desired was already yours. All the Universes resources are at your disposal, you have the wealth and the freedom to live the life you want. You must think in the present and you must believe you have everything NOW.

Imagine growing up with an abundance of opportunities around you. At any time you can, do, be and have whatever you want, whenever you want it. Feel that abundance is all around you.

Now step back and look at yourself, wondering through your new world of plenty. What do you look like? How do you dress? How do you stand, how do you move? When you speak what words do you use and how does your voice sound? What type of people are you mixing with?

I like to notice as much as I can with all my physical senses, the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touches.

Finally, I like to look at my world through my own eyes again. I walk around my dream home and see all those desirable objects like cars and planes in it. I can tune in even better if I am showing someone around. Try these techniques and see how you get on.

Remember, the more you practice the better you will become, not just at visualising, but at manifesting the lifestyle you so richly deserve.

My mission is to help individuals and businesses reach their full potential by being all that they can be. And I like to do this through personal and business interactions in the following websites:

For individuals find out more about love, ho'oponopono and hado here:
Love Company,
Love Ho'oponopono

For businesses find out more about attraction more targeted clients here:
Web Design and SEO UK
Web Design and SEO Florida

Tuesday 29 October 2013

How Concentration affects the law of attraction

Concentration is the key to unlocking the law of attraction

How to Attract More of What you Want!

Have you ever wondered why it can seem difficult to attract the things you want by using the Law of Attraction? If you have don't panic, I too wondered why, if this is so easy, why aren't the things I want manifesting before me. There can, of course be more than one reason, you may have limiting beliefs, or your wishes may not align with your true desires. Today though, in this short blog I am going to give you one way you can use the law of attraction BETTER!

When you are new to something you have to practice. There is no way you can jump into a plane and "successfully" go for a flight. Equally then, as you begin exploring the Law of Attraction you will start off slowly and then build up to Mastery. But everyone has to start at the beginning, the more passion and dedication you put into manifesting, the quicker you will master the Law.

Why does the Law of Attraction work better for people like Anthony Robbins and Joe Vitale? Because they have learnt to master it. They use the same techniques as you, but they have become Masters. So now, let's see how YOU can jump up another step to join these Masters.


In today's hundred mile an hour society it can be damned hard to concentrate! With all the interference you get from TV, Radio and the internet. Your concentration is easy to test, to see how well you are doing. Go to a quiet place, sit down, close your eyes and think of the number 7. Notice how long it is until you get that first wandering thought. Was it seconds, minutes, hours? I am guessing that at best a minute, so now can you see how the Law of Attraction is working for you?

Something like this: "My intent is to learn more everyday", "My intent is to learn more everyday", Oh damn the trash needs putting out, "My intent is to learn more everyday", I wonder whats for dinner, "My intent is to learn more everyday", that tv show was great last night, "My intent is to learn more everyday". Do you see. So if the Law works on what you think about most, chances are you are going to be taking the trash out often or wondering what's for dinner!

How many times a day does a tune pop into your head, an annoying one, you don't want it there, but here it is. YOU need to take better control of your mind. YOU need to practice keeping ONE thought in your head for longer and longer periods of time. Just like exercising your muscles, the more your practice holding your concentration, the stronger it will become.

I hope you have learnt another tool in your Law of Attraction Armoury. DO please subscribe to this blog as I shall be adding more information every few days. Thank you for stopping by, I love you.

My mission is to help individuals and businesses reach their full potential by being all that they can be. And I like to do this through personal interactions and the following websites:

For individuals find out more about love, ho'oponopono and hado here:
Love Company,
Love Ho'oponopono

For businesses find out more about attraction more targeted clients here:
Web Design and SEO UK
Web Design and SEO Florida

Saturday 26 October 2013

The Success Formula

The Proven Formula that Leads to Success

Over the years I have come across lots of ways that explain how to become successful, through the many books I have read, through videos and through coaching.I have never seen it written, like this, as a formula.

Success = Belief + Imagination + Conviction + Expectation

This formula does reinforce the law of attraction, as written in almost every single book. From the Science of Getting Rich, to Think and Grow Rich and indeed The Secret. It holds with it that same knowledge and understanding that thought is the seed from which your might oak will grow.
winners with the success formula

Should we break the formula down a little to see what we have?

Success is whatever you desire, whatever it is be it money, health a loving relationship, whatever success or successes you want to see, anything is possible. Getting the elements of the formula correct is a learning process and I suggest for anyone who is new to the Law of Attraction to start by manifesting something simple, then build on that until you have perfected all the elements required.

Belief: If you believe you can achieve whatever it is you are desiring then you are already working the magic. The stronger your belief, the easier it will be to imagine.

Imagination: If you believe you will come back to a lower weight but you imagine eating chocolate and pizza, do you think your believing stands a chance? Of course not. Your imagination has to align perfectly with your beliefs. Not just first thing on a morning and last thing at night, but throughout the day. This sounds easy, and indeed it is, and like everything else it take practice. See whatever it is you want through your own eyes. Walk round see this thing you want from every angle, notice the details. Also notice what sounds are there, what does it feel like to touch, how does it smell? Each time you go back to your visualization using your imagination you can add more and more detail, making it more vivid and bright every time.

Conviction and Expectation are like twins. If you are convinced that by eating healthy, nutritional foods you expect to become healthier, then guess what? You will become healthier! If you are convinced you will succeed, so convinced that you fully expect to succeed then my friend, you will indeed succeed.

There is nothing more, you have all the information you need to change your life around and change it so that it aligns perfectly with what you want it to be. Just remember the formula and apply it, practice it, maybe even teach it to others. Now the Universe is working with you, because now, we all know, clearly, exactly what it is you want and how we can all help you.

If you are needing more help, then please look for books and videos that will help you to direct your beliefs, tune up your visualization technique and raise your expectation levels, so that you are totally convinced that anything you desire is yours for the asking.

If you have found this useful, please leave a comment, subscribe to come on this journey with me, and let other know by linking to this blog.

My mission is to help individuals and businesses reach their full potential by being all that they can be. And I like to do this through personal interactions and the following websites:

For individuals find out more about love, ho'oponopono and hado here:
Love Company,
Love Ho'oponopono

For businesses find out more about attraction more targeted clients here:
Web Design and SEO UK
Web Design and SEO Florida

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Another secret of the secret

I was in the shower, and boy do I love my shower on a morning. All that lovely water covering me, it just feels so fantastic, and so warm....Hang on a minute, I like it to be warmer than this. Using the law of attraction, what you think will eventually manifest itself. So I thought of warmer water coming from my shower. I visualized warmer water coming from my shower. I sent love and thanks to my shower for warmer water and still it stubbornly stayed luke warm.

Or Why Taking Action is Essential.

shower head law of attractionYou know me, well I hope you will soon enough. I am always thinking of ways in which I can practice and then teach you how the secret or the law of attraction really works. This morning I experienced a fantastic example.

This is when I remembered the real secret of the secret, or the thing that brings you what you think about. You see thinking and visualization is just the start of manifesting what you want. You have to give some energy to manifest, you have to take action!

You see the warm water I longed for was available all the time, all I had to do was take action! In this case I turned the thermostat a couple of degrees to the left and suddenly the water hitting me was at the perfect temperature.

Thank you universe for delivering exactly what I was thinking about.

Of course many of you may be thinking well of course if you turn the thermostat the water will get warmer! If you are thinking that you, my friend are missing the point. You see, sadly some people think the law of attraction doesn't work because they think of something that they desire to manifest, and it doesn't turn up. That's like sitting under an apple tree and because an apple doesn't hit you on the head, you believe gravity doesn't exist!

Friends, for the law of attraction to work, you must think of what you desire, then ACT on any inspiration you receive. This truly is the best kept secret of the secret and can literally open up the abundance of the Universe to you.

If you have found this useful, please leave a comment, subscribe to come on this journey with me, and let other know by linking to this blog.


My mission is to help individuals and businesses reach their full potential by being all that they can be. And I like to do this through personal interactions and the following websites:

For individuals find out more about love, ho'oponopono and hado here:
Love Company
Love Ho'oponopono

For businesses find out more about attraction more targeted clients here:
Web Design and SEO UK
Web Design and SEO Florida

Sunday 20 October 2013

The Beginning : Route to a Better Life

The Beginning

Imagine that you are God, or some being with the power of creation. What would you do, what would you be thinking? Do you think  that as you are the one and only supreme being, alone with your thoughts, that you might become lonely, or bored? I love being around people, so I know that even with awesome powers, if there was no one to connect with, to chat with, to watch, I would be lonely - and probably bored too!

If I was alone and had the power to create, I would! Being the sum of all knowledge I would start with the end in mind. The end would be to create life in my likeness that I could watch over and see them enjoying themselves. So I would need a friendly, life giving planet, water, fish in the sea and animals on land to eat and to enjoy. I would need night and day.

Hang on though, what about these people? Man on his own couldn't reproduce and multiply so we need both men and women. What about their powers? I wouldn't want to give them the same powers as me, because then they would be off building universes of their own. Hmmm. But I still want them to be apart of me, but not controlled by me. I know, I will give them free will and I will hide their true power inside, so that it is not all all obvious unless their will is to seek it.

The Real Journey Begins

And so here you are. You have dared to look, dared to ask yourself a question, dared to think that there could be more. If you were in the Matrix I would offer you a choice of pills for you to choose either unenlightened or enlightened. Which one are you going to take? I have some good news, and some bad news. Sorry! The good news is that you don't have to take a pill, the bad news is that it has taken you so long to get to the stage where you are even contemplating enlightenment.

If you choose unenlightened you will stay as you were. Believing everything others told you were true, even some things your eyes said were true. But they are not. They appear to be, but they are simply figments of your imagination. It does a good job most of the time, so I am sure you will be okay.

If you choose enlightened, you choose to believe. Enlightenment is believing in something bigger and better and that you control how big and how much better it can be. WOW. Look, The Secret, the Law of Attraction and all the Guru's they are making it seem difficult to get what you want in life. Like there is just one more step, just $25 more and you will get it, you will see the light. Here I have a simple 3 step plan to enable you to materialize whatever you desire:

 1.     Use the power of thought to think deeply and emotionally about the object, touch it, see it, smell it, taste it.      
2.     Watch out for inspiration to strike. This could need you to take a small or big step, whatever your inspired to do, do it.      
3.     You have to take action, constantly update your actions based upon your inspirational thoughts and ideas.
It's easy. Ah but... Your ego is stepping in with "what ifs" and "how". This is where the Gurus step in and rightly try to guide you along the path. If you just believed and trusted in that higher power you wouldn't need another book, another program, another coach. You have everything you need within you. You have fantastic power. Trust in it, if you can't I will see you in the next post.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, I love you and thank you for popping by.

You can also find more answers on my websites: